R Club

About R Club

posted by: Julin Maloof

Welcome to the R Club website!

R Club consists of a group of plant biologists at UC Davis that are interested in learning R. For Winter 2016, we are focused on Bayesian Analysis using Richard McElreath’s book Statistical Rethinking.

R Club Meetings

As of Winter 2016, R Club meets in 1020 Life Sciences on Tuesdays from 3 - 5pm. In order to attend R Club, you must complete the reading and submit answers to the assigned homework. See Homework Guidelines for more info.

Joining R Club

If you want to get involved with R Club, contact us for more info and to get on the mailing list.

R Club is not a class. There is no teacher that is going to tell you everything you need to know about R while you sit back and try to learn through observation. The best way to learn any programming language is to actively write code in that language. A huge part of learning this way is through lots of failure, so don’t feel bad when you struggle over how to accomplish something in R.

We emphasize pushing our limits with both in-class exercises and out-of-class homework. Together with relevant R concepts, the approaches and solutions for the problem sets are discussed in class as well as posted on the R Club website. As scientists, we are used to experimenting with protocols at the bench, now we can experiment with code at the computer.

Getting Assistance with R

Having trouble with your R code? Try these resources:

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