It is possible to customize the names of the command line options that Log::Reproducible uses. This is important if there is a conflict with the option names of your script. It can also help save time by decreasing the number of keystrokes required. To override one or more of the defaults (--reprodir, --reproduce, and --repronote), pass a hash reference when calling Log::Reproducible from your script:

use Log::Reproducible {
    dir       => '/path/to/archive',    # see 'Note 2', below
    reprodir  => 'dir',
    reproduce => 'redo',
    repronote => 'note'

In this example, you would be able to specify a custom archive directory, add a note, and reproduce an analysis from an existing archive like so:

perl --dir /path/to/archive --note 'This is a note' --redo

Note 1: Only include key => 'value' pairs for the option names you want to customize.

Note 2: Assigning a value to the dir key is only required if you want to set a script-level archive directory.

Note 3: Since --repronote is probably used more regularly than the other options, perhaps the most useful customization is:

use Log::Reproducible { repronote => 'note' };